Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Economics: Unit 1-Chapter 2: Factors of Production; Production Possibilities Graphs

Macroeconomics-Study of the major components of an economy (Inflation, GDP, unemployment, supply and demand)
Microeconomics-Study of how households and firms make decisions

Positive Economics-Tempting to describe the world as it is (Facts)
Normative Economics-Describes the world in how it should be; very prescriptive in nature (Opinion)

Wants-Desire's of citizens; much broader than needs
Needs-Basic requirements for survival

Scarcity-Most basic fundamental economic problem that all societies face
  • Facing unlimited wants with limited resources
Shortage-A situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied.

Goods-Tangible commadites (can be bought, sold, traded, and produced) 
  • Consumer Goods-goods that are intended for final use by the consumer
  • Capital Goods- items used in the creation of other goods such as factory machinery and trucks
Services-Work that is performed for someone else

Factors of Production (FoP):
  1. Land (natural resources)
  2. Labor
  3. Capital
    • Human Capital-The knowledge and skills a worker gains through education and experience.
    • Physical Capital-Human made objects used to create other goods and services (tools, machinery, buildings)
  4. Entrepreneurship 
Opportunity Cost-Most desirable alternative given up by making a decision (trade-of)

Production possibilities Graph (PPG)-shows alternative ways to use resources
                                    Curve (PPC)
                                  Frontier (PPF)

Productive Efficiency-Producing at the lowest cost, allocating resources efficiently, full employment or resources (any point on the curve)
Allocative Efficiency-Combination that is most desired by society (where to produce on the curve)

Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost-When resources are shifted from making one good or service to another, the cost of producing the second item increases.
  • This occurs because not all resources are equally suited for the production of all goods and services.
4 Key assumptions of production possibilities:
  1. Only 2 goods can be produces
  2. Full employment of resources
  3. Their are 4 fixed resources (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship)
  4. Fixed technology
Example of a PPG 
Graph Points
  • Inside the Curve-attainable, but inefficient
    • Result from war, famine unemployment, not using all available resources
  • In the Curve-attainable and efficient
  • Outside the Curve-Unattainable
    • Attainable through advanced technology and economic growth

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