Thursday, February 13, 2014

Economics: Unit 2-Chapter 7/8: CPI and Inflation Over Time

Consumer price Index (CPI): Measures the cost of the market basket of goods of a typical urban american family. 
  • CPI = ((Cost of market basket in a given year/Cost of market in a base year) * 100)
  • Real GDP is adjusted for inflation
Inflation: General rise of the price level

Deflation: Fall of the price level

Rate of Inflation = ((CPI(1) - CPI(2))/CPI(2)) * 100)

Types of Inflation
  1. Cost-Push Inflation: Higher production cost which increases prices
    • Usually the result of a supply shock
  2. Demand-Poll Inflation: Too many dealers chasing to few goods
    • Shortage driving up the prices
    • Overheated economy with excessive spending, but the same amount of goods.
  3. Political Panics: Occurs at recessions or depressions

How inflation hurts or helps

  1. Lenders (loan at a fixed rate)
  2. People with fixed income (elderly, disabled)
  3. Savors
  4. People with a fixed wage
  1. Debtors
  2. Business where the price of the product increases faster than the price of resources.
Unemployment: The percentage of people who do not have jobs but their in the labor force
  • Lobar Force = employed + unemployed
Not in the labor Force
  • Kids who are 16 or younger
  • Military Personnel
  • mentally Insane
  • Those licked up in prison
  • Stay at home moms and dads
  • Full-time students
  • Retired People
  • Discouraged

Employed vs. Unemployed 

Employed: People 16 and older who have a job

Unemployed: People 16 and older who have actively looked for a job for at leas 2 weeks

Unemployment Rate = (number of unemployed/labor force) * 100 

Types of Unemployment

  1. Seasonal 
    • Mall Santa during Christmas
    • Concession stands for Texans
    • School buses
    • Lifeguards
  2. Frictional: Between jobs
    • Leave McDonald's to work at a University
  3. Structural: Associated with a lack of skill or a declining industry
    • Technology has changed
  4. Cyclical: Bad for society and individuals
    • Associated with the business cycle
    • You have a recession
Full Employment: Occurs when their is no cyclical unemployment present in the economy

NRU (Natural Rate of Unemployment) = 4% to 5%

Okun's Law: For every 1% of unemployment above the NRU causes a 2% decline in the RGDP.

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